Do I need a Factoring Company? Alternative Financing? Asset Based Lending? Maybe I need Help?
There is no denying that the details of finance can be challenging. With a gamut of terminology, phrases, and specialty topics, comprehending what things really mean can make your head spin very quickly. You thought you had your financing needs understood, then a new growth opportunity came about, or a dip in your sales created a cash flow shortfall. Even more challenging, the very nature or your company growth or sales slide made it necessary to adapt your borrowing style or product, based on the way your company operates, rather than simply because you needed to borrow cash. What does it all mean!?
Both new and experienced Business Owners alike can be challenged by financial matters. Many of you entered your business with great expertise in the product or service you provide, but not necessarily an acumen for what it would take to finance and capitalize your operations. When sales are good and margins are strong, that might be something that is overlooked, but it remains very important. When sales are dragging and operations are challenged, financing can become the most daunting specter you encounter every day. The answers are in the details, so understanding what leads to improvements in meeting your financial needs is very critical.
When it comes to both seeking out and maintaining your financing and capital needs, understanding what is going on, and having the ability to answer the questions that will be asked is critical. When the answers are not apparent, and the terminology begins to sound a bit foreign, asking for HELP is okay. HELP is not a bad word at all.
With over 30 years of finance, banking, and capital experience, Mile Marker Business and Consulting Services, LLC is the great resource you need for navigating your journey. Finding the right answers and understanding how you can be the most effective in your financing will provide you the peace of mind you need. It will allow you to get back to the business of showing the market that your products and service are the best. Stop at the Mile Marker, and develop a solid financing strategy. Let’s start a conversation.
David R. Alexander
Mile Marker Business and Consulting Services, LLC